Legs Primary Muscle Group for Exercise Demonstration

Primary Muscle: Legs

Equipment: Bodyweight

Level: Beginner

Purpose: To target the legs in their entirety.

Execution: Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width with your toes pointed out slightly. Place a medicine ball behind your lower back and lean on it against a wall. Getting into your start position by slightly bending your knees and sticking your butt back while keeping your chest up. You can let your arms hang or can keep them in your chest (as shown). Bend your knees and lower yourself, keeping your weight in your heels, tracing your toes with your knees, until your legs are about 90⁰ with the ground. Pause for a split second and the bottom before driving yourself back to the start position pushing through your heels. Avoid locking your knees out at the top of each rep. Take a deep breath in on the way down and exhale on the way up.